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Mission Statement: Empowering Users in the Digital Asset Space


在 Ki,我们的主要目标是确保所有用户在为其投资和交易策略选择交易所和代币时都能获得准确且相关的信息。我们相信,明智的决策是在不断发展的数字资产领域取得成功的关键。



在 Ki,我们最看重信任和透明度。我们坚持最高的诚信标准,确保我们向用户提供的信息公正且不存在任何利益冲突。我们严格的审查流程确保我们提供的所有数据和指标都经过精心验证和验证,为我们的用户的决策市场提供可靠的基础。


Kiis 的使命是让我们的用户能够自信、智能地驾驭数字资产领域。我们不断努力突破可能的界限,确保我们的用户能够获得最准确和最新的信息。通过利用我们的研究、设计和创新指标,我们的目标是简化复杂的事情,最终让用户的生活变得更轻松,并为他们配备在数字资产市场蓬勃发展所需的工具。




方法论是任何研究或数据分析的基本方面。这是一种获得准确、可靠和有效结果的系统方法,在提供加密资产的全面数据时,Ki 深知良好方法的重要性。

在 Ki,我们的目标是提供准确、及时、全面的加密资产数据。我们了解加密货币市场快速变化的性质以及对最新信息的需求。为了实现这一目标,我们开发了细致的度量方法,以确保数据的可靠性。我们方法的核心之一是实时市场数据收集。我们每 0.05 秒不断查询所有加密货币交易所,以收集最新的市场数据。这种严格的数据收集过程确保我们从所有可用来源捕获最新信息。然而,收集数据只是第一步。为了确保数据完整性,我们采用多种数据清理和验证算法。这些算法旨在消除数据收集过程中可能出现的任何不一致、错误或异常值。通过系统地清理和验证数据,我们保持信息的准确性和可靠性。

The specific metrics that our methodology encompasses:

The specific metrics that our methodology encompasses:

1. Price: We calculate the price of each crypto asset based on the market pair. This allows users to compare the prices across different exchanges and make informed decisions.

2. Volume: Our methodology calculates the trading volume for each market pair, crypto asset, and exchange, and provides an aggregate volume. This metric helps users understand the liquidity and popularity of a particular asset.

3. Supply: We provide data on the circulating supply, total supply, and maximum supply of each crypto asset. This information allows users to assess the scarcity and potential value of a particular asset.

4. Market Capitalization: Our methodology calculates the market capitalization of each crypto asset, as well as an aggregate market capitalization. This metric provides insights into the overall value and market dominance of different assets.

5. Ranking: We assign a ranking to each market pair based on various factors. This ranking helps users identify the most popular and actively traded pairs.

6. Liquidity Score: Our methodology includes a liquidity score for each market pair and exchange. This score reflects the ease of buying and selling a particular asset and indicates the depth of the market.

7. Web Traffic Factor: We analyze web traffic data for each exchange. This factor helps users understand the popularity and user base of different exchanges.

8. Confidence Indicator: Our methodology assigns a confidence indicator to each market pair. This indicator reflects the level of certainty in the accuracy of the data.

By following these rigorous methodologies, K.i.  ensure that its users have access to comprehensive, accurate, and reliable data on crypto assets. We understand the importance of methodology in providing trustworthy information, and we continuously strive to improve and refine our processes. The methodology is a crucial aspect of data analysis and research. At K.i., we have developed systematic metric methodologies to gather, clean, and verify data on crypto assets. We aim to provide our users with accurate, timely, and comprehensive information that enables informed decision-Making in the dynamic world of crypto markets.

Price Market Pair


在全球金融市场中,价格概念在决定各种资产的价值方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。价格是两个不同市场实体之间汇率的数字表示。在加密货币交易的背景下,每个市场对的价格对于投资者和交易者来说都是至关重要的因素。为了准确计算市场对的价格,需要采用细致的过程。最初,未转换的价格直接从交易所报告。该初始价格表示为 (E),作为进一步计算的基础。然而,为了使其更易于理解和普遍接受,需要将其转换为广泛认可的货币。

这就是领先的市场参考数据提供商 KI 发挥作用的地方。 KI Markets 利用其广泛的知识和综合数据库确定基础货币的当前参考价格。例如,就 LTC/BTC 市场而言,将使用可靠的数据源和市场趋势来确定 BTC 的参考价格(C)。

现在,为了得出 LTC/BTC 市场对的最终价格,将报告价格 (E) 乘以参考价格 (C)。按照上述示例,假设(E)为 0.01 BTC / 1 LTC,(C)为 10,000 USD / 1 BTC,我们可以将衍生价格(D)计算为:

D = E * C
D = (0.01 BTC / 1 LTC) * (10,000 美元 / 1 BTC) = 100 美元 / 1 LTC

因此,根据此计算,LTC/BTC 市场对的衍生价格将达到 100 美元。该值使市场参与者能够清楚地了解该特定市场中莱特币 (LTC) 和比特币 (BTC) 之间的汇率。

在某些情况下,市场参与者可能要求将衍生价格转换为其他法定货币,例如欧元(EUR)。为了促进这一点,以美元计算的衍生价格作为起点。然后使用 OTC 市场 Ki Forex 的当前外汇汇率进行转换。

市场对价格的确定是一个细致而严格的过程。通过将交易所直接报告的数据与 KI Markets 等值得信赖的市场数据提供商建立的参考价格相结合,投资者和交易者可以自信地评估不同资产的价值。此外,将这些价格转换为其他法定货币的能力进一步增加了全球金融市场的灵活性和可及性。

Price (Crypto Asset)



Volume Market Pairs

交易量在金融市场中起着至关重要的作用。它是特定市场对内活动和流动性的关键指标。市场交易量是指每个时期交易的代币或代币总数,通常在 24 小时内进行测量。

为了将数量转换为美元,Ki 使用其现有的参考价格。这些参考价格作为确定市场上报价资产价值的基准。通过将交易所报告的交易量乘以基础资产的最后已知参考价格,即可获得衍生交易量。

以 LTC/BTC 市场对为例来说明这一点。假设交易所直接报告的 LTC/BTC 24 小时交易量(E)为 100 BTC。设 BTC (C) 的最后已知参考价格为 Ki 中的每 1 BTC 10,000 美元。

为了计算 LTC/BTC 的衍生交易量 (D),我们将交易所报告的交易量 (E) 乘以参考价格 (C)。在此示例中,D = E * C,即 (100 BTC * 10,000 美元 / 1 BTC) = 1,000,000 美元。因此,LTC/BTC 市场对的衍生交易量为 1,000,000 美元。

值得注意的是,交易量计算并不限于美元。为了向用户提供灵活性,Ki 允许转换为各种法定货币,例如欧元或英镑。这些换算是根据美元数量使用当前外汇汇率进行的。当天结束时的市场收盘价,正好是协调世界时间 (UTC) 11:59。

总之,成交量是评估市场活动和流动性的基本指标。通过涉及直接汇率报告和参考价格换算的标准化流程,Ki 计算每个市场对的衍生交易量。然后,该数量可以转换为不同的法定货币,确保与不同投资者偏好和全球金融体系的兼容性。

Volume Crypto Asset







Volume by Exchange

交易量是指特定加密货币交易所在指定时间段内(通常是 24 小时内)发生的交易活动总量。它是评估交易所流动性和受欢迎程度的关键指标。






总之,加密货币交易所的交易量代表了指定时间段(通常是 24 小时)内发生的总交易活动。调整后的交易量进一步细化了这一指标,排除了非收费市场和涉及挖矿激励的交易。高交易量表明市场更加活跃、流动性更强,带来的好处包括增加流动性、收窄点差和更好的价格发现。然而,在选择交易所时必须考虑其他因素,以确保全面评估平台的整体适用性。

Reported Volume From all Spot Exchanges





Ki 报告的交易量涵盖所有现货市场的交易量。我们已采取措施将某些市场对排除在交易量计算之外,但仍将其纳入总交易量中。最终报告的交易量是通过消除人为交易并准确反映交易所上加密货币的实际交易活动而获得的。

Volume Aggregate


在 Ki 平台上,揭示集体交易活动的一项重要指标是交易量,特别是所有加密资产的总交易量。该数字可以在网站顶部轻松访问,代表 24 小时内所有加密货币积累的总交易量。


然而,值得注意的是,在考虑总交易量时,必须谨慎对待某些市场对。这些市场对涉及交易双方的加密资产,例如 LTC/BTC。在这些情况下,交易量实际上被计算了两次,因为两种加密货币都对总量有所贡献。这种重复计算的目的是确保包含所有加密资产的总量保持准确和包容。

Ki 平台以正式的语气将这一总交易量指标作为评估加密货币市场整体交易活动的可靠手段。这些信息允许用户衡量各种加密货币的流动性和交易势头,为交易者、投资者和爱好者提供宝贵的见解。


总之,Ki 平台上的总交易量代表了过去 24 小时内所有单个加密资产交易量的总和。它体现了该平台对透明度和全面市场数据分析的承诺,同时考虑到某些市场对中潜在的重复计算。这一正式指标使用户能够掌握加密货币市场的脉搏,指导他们的投资决策并促进更明智的加密货币交易方法。

Circulating Supply




Examples of Assets That Are Typically Excluded From Circulating Supply:

Examples of Assets That Are Typically Excluded From Circulating Supply:

1. Private sale: Assets that were specifically allocated to a subset of investors through a private sale and were not available to the public through open bidding or balloting.


2. Ecosystem/Bounty/Marketing/Operations/Airdrops: Assets that have been set aside for activities aimed at growing the project's ecosystem. Airdropped tokens, for instance, are usually not considered part of the circulating supply unless the project can provide evidence of active demand for those assets.


3. Master nodes/Ranking: Assets that have been staked in master nodes, which play a crucial role in the infrastructure of certain cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dash. Operating a master node requires a significant financial investment, specialized hardware, and expertise. The Master node operators are a reward system with cryptocurrency usually earned a share of block rewards. While the exclusion of master node assets from circulating supply is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, factors such as distribution, lock-up periods, and ownership are taken into consideration.


4. Team/Foundation/Treasury/Escrow: Assets held by project members or major ecosystem participants, which can constitute a significant percentage of the total supply.


To ensure the accuracy of the Circulating Supply, project teams are required to provide details about the initial distribution, private allocations, locked addresses, team-controlled addresses, and addresses containing portions of the supply allocated for future use.


The verification process involves referencing deductible wallet balances or using relevant block explorer APIs to update the circulating supply in real time if the information provided is suitable and reproducible.


For an asset to have a verified Circulating Supply (and Market Cap), it must demonstrate substantial trading activity and volume on at least three K.I.-supported exchanges with a "tracked listing" status. Project teams are also required to provide sufficient information to meet the platform's baseline levels of due diligence. Liquidity, volume, and the trading venues on which the asset is listed are considered when deriving the verified Circulating Supply and Market Cap, as they have implications on the platform's crypto asset rankings.


To ensure data accuracy, the platform implements Circulating Supply verification. This process checks for errors and inconsistencies when data is copied from one medium to another. However, it does not assess whether the data is reasonable or falls within acceptable boundaries. The goal of verification is to confirm the authenticity of each coin or token in circulation. The platform provides reporting of Circulating Supply and associated metrics over various time intervals, such as 30, 60, 90, and 120 days.


On the K.i. Platform the Circulating Supply is a vital metric used to approximate the number of assets actively circulating in the market. It is determined by excluding locked assets, team-held assets, and assets not available for public trading. Verification processes ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the reported supply figures, and projects are required to provide comprehensive documentation to support their data.

Total Supply

Total Supply

Calculating the Total Cryptocurrency In the realm of digital currencies, the concept of Total Supply plays a vital role in determining the true value and utility of a cryptocurrency. It serves as a fundamental metric for investors, developers, and enthusiasts alike. Total Supply refers to the total amount of coins or tokens that are currently in circulation within a particular blockchain ecosystem, after deducting any verifiably burned coins.


To comprehend the calculation of Total Supply, one must first recognize the decentralized and transparent nature of most cryptocurrencies. Unlike traditional fiat currencies, which are controlled and regulated by central banks, digital currencies operate within a peer-to-peer network, powered by cryptographic algorithms. This unique structure necessitates an accurate and meticulously calculated Total Supply, often achieved through blockchain technologies.


At the core of most blockchain implementations lies a decentralized ledger, commonly referred to as a distributed ledger technology (DLT). This DLT acts as a transparent and immutable record of all transactions performed within the blockchain network. It serves as the backbone through which Total Supply calculations are made, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and trustworthiness.


To initiate the calculation process, one must begin by identifying the highest level of granularity within the blockchain ecosystem. This typically corresponds to the smallest indivisible unit of the cryptocurrency, commonly referred to as a "token" or "coin." Each token represents a specific value within the digital currency system and can be owned, transferred, or even destroyed.


Once the level of granularity is determined, the blockchain network employs various mechanisms to track the creation and destruction of tokens. These mechanisms are often implemented using smart contracts, which are self-executing programmable contracts that directly reside within the blockchain. Smart contracts facilitate the automation and enforcement of predefined rules and conditions, ensuring the accuracy and verifiability of token creation and destruction events.


Token creation events usually occur through a process called "minting" or "mining." Minting refers to the generation of new tokens, typically as a reward for network participants who lend their computing power to validate transactions and secure the blockchain network. Mining, on the other hand, involves solving complex cryptographic puzzles to validate and add new blocks of transactions to the blockchain. These actions are integral to maintaining the integrity and security of the decentralized network.


However, the concept of Total Supply would be incomplete without considering the possibility of coin burning. Coin burning, as the name suggests, revolves around the destruction or elimination of tokens from the existing supply. While this may sound counterintuitive, the practice of burning coins serves specific purposes within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The most common reason for coin burning is to reduce the overall supply of tokens in circulation. By decreasing the available supply, the perceived scarcity of the cryptocurrency increases, potentially enhancing its value and market attractiveness. Coin burning can be initiated by various means, such as sending tokens to an unspendable address or providing proof of destruction through verifiable mechanisms.


Considering both token creation and destruction events, the Total Supply calculation involves summing up all minted tokens and deducting the verifiably burned tokens. With the aid of the distributed ledger and smart contracts, this calculation can be performed in a transparent, auditable, and efficient manner, providing stakeholders with confidence in the accuracy of the Total Supply figure.


It is important to note that the Total Supply of a cryptocurrency is not a static value but rather an ever-changing dynamic. As new blocks are added to the blockchain, tokens are generated through minting and subsequently distributed. Conversely, as coin-burning processes occur, the supply is reduced. Therefore, to obtain a real-time understanding of the Total Cryptocurrency Supply, one must continually monitor the blockchain network and its associated events.


In conclusion, calculating the Total Cryptocurrency Supply is a critical aspect of understanding the intrinsic value and market dynamics of digital currencies. Using distributed ledgers and smart contracts, the intricate process of aggregating minted tokens while considering burned coins ensures transparency, accuracy, and trust within the blockchain ecosystem. As cryptocurrencies continue to evolve and gain prominence, the calculation of Total Supply remains an essential metric for participants and observers alike.

Maximum Supply




2. 分配模型和首次代币发行(ICO):加密货币的初始分配模型可以影响其最大供应量。一些加密货币可能在首次代币发行期间设定了预定的供应上限,其中代币被出售或分发给投资者或参与者。分配模型可能是确定可用总供应量的一个因素。

3. 经济原则和货币政策:加密货币的经济原则和期望的货币政策也可以在建立最大供应方法中发挥作用。一些加密货币旨在复制或改进现有的货币体系,而其他加密货币可能有替代模型,例如通货紧缩或通货膨胀供应,具体取决于项目的目标。

4. 市场需求和效用:加密货币的市场需求和效用可以影响其最大供应方法。如果一种加密货币获得广泛采用和需求,其供应可能旨在确保稀缺性和持续价值。相反,如果重点是实用性或作为交换媒介的用途,则可能需要更大的供应才能确保实际交易使用。

5. 社区反馈和共识:在某些情况下,加密货币社区的反馈和共识在确定最大供应方法方面发挥着作用。项目可以通过链上治理机制或公开讨论的方式听取社区意见,就符合社区利益的供应设计达成共识。每种加密货币都可能有独特的考虑因素或影响其最大供应方法的其他因素。

Burned Supply

Burned Supply

K.i. tracts the Cryptocurrency supply, like any other economic system, is subject to various mechanisms and phenomena that can impact its overall quantity. One such phenomenon is the act of burning cryptocurrency, whereby a certain number of coins are permanently removed from circulation. This concept of burning coins has gained prominence in the world of digital currencies and has significant implications for the overall supply and value of a given cryptocurrency.

When we refer to 'burned' cryptocurrency supply, it means the deliberate act of retiring a specified quantity of coins from circulation. These 'burned' coins are typically transferred to a central or designated wallet address that renders them unusable for future transactions. This process ensures that these coins are effectively scrapped, preventing any future utility or trade.

The motivations behind burning cryptocurrency supply can vary and depend on the cryptocurrency project. One common reason for burning coins is to enhance the scarcity and value proposition of a cryptocurrency. By removing a portion of the existing supply, the relative scarcity of the remaining coins increases. This reduction in supply, in theory, can lead to an increase in the underlying asset's value, as demand remains constant or potentially rises. Such a phenomenon has been observed in numerous cryptocurrencies, where intentional coin burns have correlated with subsequent bullish market behaviour.

Another reason for burning cryptocurrency is to address issues of inflation. Digital currencies often have a predetermined issuance mechanism, whether it be through mining or staking. ng, or other consensus algorithms. However, in some cases, due to unforeseen circumstances or changing economic dynamics, the supply of a cryptocurrency may exceed what was initially planned. To counteract this inflationary pressure, developers may choose to burn a certain number of coins, effectively reducing the overall supply and maintaining a more stable value proposition.

The act of burning cryptocurrency supply is typically conducted by developers or project teams in a transparent and verifiable manner. To ensure credibility, the burning process is often officially announced and recorded on the blockchain, allowing anyone to verify the removal of coins from circulation.

It is important to note that while burning cryptocurrency supply can have potential benefits, it also carries inherent risks. The decision to burn coins requires careful consideration, as it can potentially affect the long-term viability and stability of a cryptocurrency. If done excessively or improperly, it may result in damaging market sentiment or even erode trust in the project and its governance.

Burned cryptocurrency supply refers to the intentional removal of coins from circulation by transferring them to an inactive central wallet address. The motivations behind this act can range from enhancing scarcity and value to addressing inflationary concerns. By reducing the available supply of a cryptocurrency, burning coins can potentially increase their value and provide a means to manage their overall inflation. Nevertheless, developers must exercise prudence and transparency when implementing coin burns to ensure long-term sustainability and maintain trust within the cryptocurrency community. The burning process can have various impacts on the overall supply and availability of a specific cryptocurrency. Here are a few ways it can affect the ecosystem:

1. Decrease in supply: Burning cryptocurrencies involves permanently removing tokens from circulation. This intentional reduction in supply can lead to a decrease in the overall number of available tokens, creating scarcity. As a result, the reduced supply may lead to increased demand and potentially impact the price of the cryptocurrency.

2. Price appreciation: If the burning process successfully creates scarcity, it can drive up the value of the cryptocurrency. As the supply decreases, and if the demand remains constant or increases, the price per token might appreciate due to the limited availability. This price appreciation can potentially benefit existing holders and investors.

3. Manipulation prevention: Some projects utilize token burning as a method to prevent price manipulation. By burning a portion of their tokens, they can reduce the total supply and make the market less susceptible to large-scale selloffs or market manipulations by individuals or groups holding significant amounts of the cryptocurrency.

4. Reward system: In certain blockchain networks, burning tokens can be a part of the reward system for validators or participants who contribute to the network's security or governance. These participants burn some of their tokens as a commitment to the network, earning rewards based on their contribution. This process can align the incentives of participants with the success of the network.

5. Stabilization of value: In stablecoin projects, token burning can be used to maintain the peg to a specific asset or currency. When the stablecoin's value exceeds the targeted peg, tokens can be burned to decrease supply and lower the value. Conversely, if the stablecoin's value falls, new tokens may be minted or purchased to increase supply and stabilize the price.

It is essential to note that the impacts of burning tokens can vary based on the specific cryptocurrency project, its Tokenomics, and the intentions behind the burning process.

Lost Supply

Lost Supply

The significance of a lost supply of cryptocurrency, K.i. calculates coins that have been lost and the implications:

1. Decreased total supply: If a significant amount of cryptocurrency is lost, it can lead to a decrease in the total supply of that cryptocurrency. This reduced supply can potentially increase the scarcity and demand for the remaining coins, which may drive up their value.

2. Affected market dynamics: With fewer coins available in circulation, the lost supply can impact the market dynamics of the cryptocurrency on the K.i. The reduced supply might create imbalances in the market, leading to increased volatility and potentially Making the price of the cryptocurrency more susceptible to manipulation.

3. Impact on investors and users: If the lost cryptocurrency is held by investors., their portfolios or balances can be negatively affected. Losing access to their holdings can result in financial losses,

4. Security and infrastructure concerns: A lost supply of cryptocurrency can raise concerns about security and infrastructure. It may indicate vulnerabilities in storage or transaction mechanisms, potentially affecting user trust and adoption.

5. Implications on Tokenomics: Depending on the specific cryptocurrency's Tokenomics, a lost supply can lead to changes in the underlying economics and governance of the token. For example, reduced supply might affect staking. ng or voting mechanisms, altering the distribution of rewards or influence within the network.

The significance of a lost supply of cryptocurrency the multifaceted, impacting various aspects such as market dynamics, investor confidence, security, and Tokenomics.


To prevent the loss of cryptocurrency on the K.i. and minimize its significance, several measures can be implemented:


1. multi-factor authentication: Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) strengthens the security of user accounts. This can involve using a combination of passwords, security tokens, biometric authentication, or time-based one-time passwords.


storage for cryptocurrencies: Utilize cold storage wallets for storing most of the cryptocurrency holdings. Cold storage keeps the private keys offline, making them less accessible to hackers or online threats. Hot wallets can still be used for daily transactions but with limited funds.


3. Regular security audits: Conduct regular security audits of the platform to identify vulnerabilities and address them promptly. This includes checking the infrastructure, codebase, and overall security practices to ensure robust protection against any potential attacks.


4. Two-factor withdrawal authorization: Implement two-factor authorization for cryptocurrency withdrawals. This ensures that even if an account is compromised, an additional authentication factor is required before any withdrawals can take place, reducing the risk of unauthorized fund transfers.


5. User education and awareness: Educate users about the importance of cybersecurity, safe practices, and common phishing techniques. Regularly share updates and news about potential threats, scams, and best practices to help users make informed decisions and avoid falling victim to malicious activities.


6. Insurance coverage: Consider obtaining insurance coverage against losses due to theft or hacking. I. ng incidents. This can help mitigate the financial impact in case of a security breach, providing compensation for losses.


7. Regular backups and disaster recovery plan: Implement a robust backup strategy to ensure the recovery of cryptocurrency holdings in case of data loss or system failures. Periodic backups should be encrypted, securely stored, and regularly evaluated for restoration.


8. Monitoring and anomaly detection: Implement proactive monitoring systems and anomaly detection mechanisms to detect any suspicious activities or anomalies in user accounts, transactions, or the overall platform's security infrastructure.


9. Strong user password policies: Enforce strong password policies, encouraging users to choose complex passwords and periodically update them. Additionally, the implementation of password managers can help users generate and store secure passwords.


10. Encryption and data protection: Employ strong encryption techniques to secure user data, including private keys and personal information. Utilize industry-standard encryption protocols to make it difficult for hackers to gain access to sensitive data.


11. Continuous security updates: Ensure that all software, systems, and frameworks used in the platform are regularly updated with the latest security patches and fixes. This avoids potential vulnerabilities and exploits that attackers may target.


Implementing these measures collectively will significantly enhance the security of the K.i., safeguarding user cryptocurrency holdings and minimizing the risks associated with potential losses.

Volume Inflation



1. 缺乏透明度:交易量膨胀引发了人们对加密货币交易所透明度和完整性的担忧。投资者和交易者可能会质疑报告交易量的准确性,从而导致对市场合法性的怀疑。

2. 市场操纵:成交量膨胀常常与市场操纵策略相伴,例如拉高抛售计划。这破坏了市场公平并创造了信任被侵蚀的环境。


4. 流动性担忧:人为夸大交易量可能会导致对流动性的错误认知。由于担心实际可用的流动性,投资者和交易者可能会犹豫是否进入或退出头寸,这可能会加剧市场信心的缺乏。

5. 声誉受损:交易量膨胀损害了加密货币行业的声誉。它强化了人们对市场充斥着欺诈活动的看法,阻止了潜在投资者和交易者参与并阻碍了主流采用。

为了减轻这些担忧,Ki 是一名工作人员。与监管机构和行业参与者合作已采取措施提高透明度并防止数量膨胀。实施更严格的监管、促进自我监管措施以及鼓励对交易量进行独立审计是旨在恢复对加密货币行业信任的一些举措。 Ki 追踪监管机构和加密货币交易所采取的措施,以解决市场交易量膨胀的担忧。这些措施包括:



3. 现货市场监管:监管机构实施了防止刷量交易、欺骗和其他操纵性交易行为的规则。这些措施旨在确保报告的交易量准确反映真实的市场活动。

4. 市场监控技术:监管机构和交易所已投资于监控技术,以监控交易活动是否存在任何可疑模式或违规行为。这些工具有助于识别和防止数量膨胀行为。



Market Capitalization Cryptocurrency Asset

Market Capitalization Cryptocurrency Asset

Market capitalization, when it comes to crypto assets, plays a crucial role in determining the overall value and significance of a particular cryptocurrency within the market. Market capitalization reflects the total value of a crypto asset based on its current reference price and circulating supply.


To calculate the market capitalization of a crypto asset, such as Bitcoin, one needs to consider several factors. Firstly, we must identify the last known reference price, denoted as (C), which represents the value of one unit of the crypto asset in a specific currency, often USD. This reference price can be obtained from various reliable sources, such as reputable crypto exchanges or financial markets.


Additionally, we need to determine the current circulating supply, denoted as (S), which signifies the total number of units of the crypto asset in existence and actively being traded in the market. This figure can typically be sourced from blockchain networks, where the transactions and supply information of the crypto asset are recorded and updated in real-time.


By multiplying the reference price (C) by the circulating supply (S), we obtain the derived market capitalization, denoted as (D), for the crypto asset under consideration. This simple calculation allows us to gain insights into the overall value and significance of the crypto asset within the market. The greater the market capitalization, the more significant the crypto asset is perceived to be within the industry.


As an example, let us look at Bitcoin, the pioneer cryptocurrency in the market. Assuming the last known reference price (C) for Bitcoin is USD 10,000 per 1 BTC, and the current circulating supply (S) is 17,000,000 BTC, we can compute the derived market capitalization (D) for Bitcoin.


D = C * S


D = $10,000 USD/ 1 BTC * 17,000,000 BTC = $170,000,000,000 USD


Therefore, based on this calculation, the derived market capitalization for Bitcoin stands at a staggering $170,000,000,000 USD. This valuation highlights the immense value and significance of Bitcoin within the crypto market, solidifying its position as a leading and influential crypto asset.


Market capitalization serves various purposes within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. It provides investors and market participants with an overview of the size and importance of a particular crypto asset. Market capitalization is often used to compare and rank different cryptocurrencies, enabling investors to make informed decisions about their investment portfolios.


Furthermore, market capitalization serves as a valuable metric for assessing the growth and potential of a crypto asset. Higher market capitalization often implies a greater level of liquidity and stability within the market, attracting more investors and contributing to increased adoption and usage of the crypto asset.

market capitalization alone does not provide a comprehensive analysis of a crypto asset's true value or potential. Other fundamental factors, such as technological advancements, adoption rates, use cases, and market demand, also play significant roles in evaluating the long-term prospects of a cryptocurrency.


Market capitalization is a fundamental metric used to assess the value and importance of crypto assets within the market. By considering the reference price and circulating supply, market capitalization provides crucial insights into the overall significance and potential of a crypto asset. Bitcoin, with its remarkable market capitalization, stands as a prime example of the influential and transformative power of cryptocurrencies.

Market Pair Ranking


市场配对排名是 Ki 自 2020 年以来积极解决的加密货币交易行业的一个基本方面。交易量膨胀问题一直是一个重大问题,因为 Ki 上列出的某些交易所报告了交易量膨胀,从而造成了可信度和信任度的错误认知。市场流动性。这种不道德的做法削弱了人们对加密货币行业的信心,并误导了投资者和交易者。

认识到这个问题的严重性,Ki 已采取积极措施来开发全面的算法解决方案。我们的方法涉及确定市场交易量的两个关键驱动因素:市场流动性和交易所交易者数量。在零售驱动的加密货币交易市场中,如果没有大量交易者和流动性市场,实现高交易量是一项挑战。

为了解决这个问题并提高透明度,Ki 修改了其市场对排名算法并引入了置信度指标。我们的目标是通过这些改变实现两个主要目标:

1. 结合报告量、流动性得分和网络流量因子对所有加密资产的市场对进行排名:我们的算法在对市场对进行排名时考虑报告量、流动性得分和网络流量等关键变量。这些因素被输入到机器学习模型中,算法会自动为每个标准分配动态权重。通过考虑所有这些因素而不是仅仅依赖报告数量,我们的目标是对每个市场对提供更全面的评估。

2. 强调报告量准确性的置信度:通过引入置信度指标,Ki 旨在向用户提供我们对交易所报告量的置信度的明确指示。该指标将帮助交易者和投资者根据报告交易量的可靠性和准确性做出明智的决策。

通过纳入这些变化,Ki 旨在确保公平的市场对排名并帮助用户做出明智的交易决策。该算法在自动机器学习的推动下对因素进行评估,将有助于建立一个更加透明和值得信赖的加密货币交易市场。

总之,Ki 承认交易量膨胀的问题及其对加密货币行业的不利影响。通过我们全面的市场对排名算法和置信度指标的引入,我们努力解决这个问题,并为用户提供准确可靠的信息。我们对透明度和公平性的承诺将支持加密货币交易行业的整体增长和可持续性。

Top Cryptocurrency Ranking

Top Cryptocurrency Ranking

The cryptocurrency market is a highly dynamic space characterized by constant fluctuations in values and trends. To navigate through this ever-changing landscape, K.i tracks the top-ranking digital currencies. The K.i cryptocurrency platforms factors such as category and market capitalization, volatility, liquidity, and trading volume, are all based on real-time 24 hours.


On the K.i. Platform several factors contribute to a cryptocurrency's trading volume and liquidity within the top rankings over a specific period. Some of the key factors include:

1. Market Demand: The level of demand for a cryptocurrency plays a significant role in its trading volume and liquidity. Cryptocurrencies that have a strong market demand and are widely used are likely to witness higher trading volumes and liquidity.

2. Market Capitalization: Market capitalization is the total value of a cryptocurrency's outstanding coins or tokens. Cryptocurrencies with higher market capitalization often attract more investors and traders, resulting in increased trading volume and liquidity.

3. Exchange Listings: The number and quality of exchanges where a cryptocurrency is listed can impact its trading volume and liquidity. Cryptocurrencies listed on reputable and widely used exchanges tend to have higher trading volumes and liquidity as they offer more opportunities for trading.

4. Liquidity Providers: The presence of liquidity providers, such as market makers and high-frequency traders, can significantly impact trading volume and liquidity. These entities actively provide liquidity to the market, facilitating smoother transactions and attracting more traders.

5. News and Market sentiment: News and market sentiment surrounding a cryptocurrency can influence its trading volume and liquidity. Positive news, partnerships, or regulatory developments can attract more interest and trading activity, while negative news can have the opposite effect.

6. Network Effect: Established cryptocurrencies with a large user base and strong network effects tend to have higher trading volumes and liquidity. Network effects refer to the positive impact of a larger user base on the value and usability of a cryptocurrency, attracting more participants to the ecosystem.

7. Market Stability: A stable and predictable market environment encourages higher trading volumes and liquidity as it reduces concerns about volatility and risk.

8. Accessibility: The ease of accessing a cryptocurrency through user-friendly wallets, and exchanges, will impact its trading volume and liquidity.

9. Trading Incentives: Some exchanges offer trading incentives such as reduced fees, rebates, or rewards for trading certain cryptocurrencies. These incentives can boost trading volume and liquidity for the supported cryptocurrencies.

10. Overall Market Conditions: The general state of the cryptocurrency market, including factors like overall market sentiment, price trends, and macroeconomic events, can impact the trading volume and liquidity of cryptocurrencies in the top ranking.


Factors such as network scalability, transaction fees, and confirmation times can have a significant impact on the trading volume and liquidity of cryptocurrencies within the top ranking

1. Network Scalability: Scalability refers to a blockchain's ability to manage an increasing number of transactions efficiently. Cryptocurrencies with high scalability can process large volumes of transactions quickly, resulting in improved liquidity and trading volume. Investors and traders are more inclined to use cryptocurrencies that offer fast and seamless transactions, as it allows for quick execution of trades and better market participation.

2. Transaction Fees: Transaction fees are the costs associated with transferring cryptocurrencies from one wallet to another. High transaction fees can deter potential traders and investors from participating in a specific cryptocurrency market. If transaction fees are excessively high, traders might choose to trade other cryptocurrencies with lower fees, impacting the liquidity and trading volume of cryptocurrencies with high fees negatively.

3. Confirmation Times: Confirmation time represents the duration it takes for a transaction to be deemed valid and included in a blockchain. Longer confirmation times can create delays in executing trades, which can be frustrating and inconvenient for traders, especially in fast-paced markets. Cryptocurrencies with shorter confirmation times offer a quicker settlement, enhancing liquidity and trading activity.

Therefore, these factors play a crucial role in shaping the trading volume and liquidity of cryptocurrencies within the top-ranking Cryptocurrencies with high scalability, low transaction fees, and shorter confirmation times tend to attract more traders and investors, leading to increased trading volume and liquidity. Conversely, cryptocurrencies with scalability issues, high fees, or long confirmation times may experience reduced trading activity and liquidity.


The K.i. Digital Assets Have Prime Positions in the Ranking


1. 比特币(BTC):作为加密货币的先驱,比特币在市值和流动性方面持续占据主导地位。尽管偶尔会出现波动,但比特币仍然是该行业的基准。

2. 以太坊(ETH):以太坊为智能合约和去中心化应用程序(DApp)提供去中心化平台,由于其广泛的采用和生态系统,保持着强大的市场地位。

3. 币安币(BNB):由币安交易所开发,BNB 在平台内提供各种实用功能。其市值和交易量使其成为最有力的竞争者之一。



6. Tether(USDT):作为一种与法定货币(特别是美元)挂钩的稳定币,Tether 提供稳定性并充当许多加密货币的有价值的交易对。

7. 狗狗币(DOGE):最初是作为一种迷因而创建的,狗狗币已经获得了极大的欢迎,并作为数字小费系统和慈善捐赠的手段。

8. Polkadot (DOT):Polkadot 引入了不同区块链之间的互操作性,促进不同网络之间的无缝通信。

9. 莱特币(LTC):莱特币拥有更快的区块生成时间和更低的交易费用。

10. 比特币现金(BCH):比特币硬分叉的结果,比特币现金专注于通过采用更大的区块大小来提高交易速度。

11. Chainlink (LINK):Chainlink 旨在弥合智能合约和现实世界数据源之间的差距,促进去中心化金融应用程序中的安全交互。

12. Stellar(XLM):Stellar的区块链可实现快速、低成本的跨境交易,针对个人和机构。

13. THETA(THETA):THETA 作为去中心化流媒体生态系统中内容创作者的激励,奖励用户共享计算资源。



16. Tron(TRX):Tron 作为去中心化内容共享平台运营,使内容创作者能够直接控制其数字资产。

17. 美元币(USDC):与 Tether 一样,美元币是一种与美元挂钩的稳定币,可以在波动的市场中提供稳定性。

18. EOS(EOS):EOS 引入了一个可扩展且用户友好的平台,用于开发和执行去中心化应用程序。

19. Neo(NEO):Neo通常被称为“中国以太坊”,为创建数字资产和智能合约提供了平台。

20.门罗币(XMR):门罗币通过实施先进的加密技术来关注隐私和匿名性,使交易无法追踪。值得注意的是,由于加密货币市场的性质,这些排名会经常发生变化。 Ki 平台在 24 个滚动周期内跟踪和更改最高排名。

Liquidity Score


Ki 跟踪加密货币的流动性得分和基本指标,旨在评估在每个市场购买或出售资产而不引起重大价格波动的能力。随着加密货币的持续流行,确保这些市场的流动性对于投资者和交易者来说变得越来越重要。






What do the Liquidity Scores Represent

What do the Liquidity Scores Represent

The Liquidity Scores in the cryptocurrency realm serve as crucial indicators of market liquidity, playing a pivotal role in facilitating efficient and seamless trading activity. These scores are extensively used by traders, investors, and even automated trading systems to assess the viability and practicality of trading various digital assets.


In the financial world, liquidity represents the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without causing significant price disruptions. It signifies the depth, stability, and volume of the market for a particular asset. Similarly, in the context of cryptocurrencies, liquidity embodies the ability to swiftly convert digital assets into cash or other cryptocurrencies, and vice versa, without resulting in substantial price fluctuations or compromising the overall stability of the market.


With this understanding, the Liquidity Scores offer a comprehensive evaluation of the liquidity landscape for each cryptocurrency. These scores typically comprise several key factors, including trading volume, order book depth, bid-ask spreads, and market impact costs. By aggregating these components into a single score, investors can gain insights into the overall liquidity profile of a cryptocurrency, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding their trading activities.


One of the primary aspects considered within Liquidity Scores is trading volume. This metric measures the total amount of a cryptocurrency traded within a given timeframe, usually over 24 hours. Higher trading volumes are generally associated with increased liquidity, as it implies the presence of active buyers and sellers, thereby reducing the likelihood of facing difficulties when executing large orders.


Order book depth plays a crucial role in determining liquidity scores. The order book reflects the buy and sell orders placed by traders at varying price levels. A deep order book implies a significant number of orders at different price points, providing traders with a range of options for executing trades. A shallow order book, on the other hand, suggests limited activity and may result in slippage, where large orders impact the market price significantly.


Bid-ask spreads are another crucial component, representing the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept (ask) for a given asset. Tight bid-ask spreads indicate high liquidity, as there is a minimal discrepancy between buying and selling prices. Conversely, wider spreads imply lower liquidity, potentially resulting in higher costs and reduced trading efficiency.


The Liquidity Scores account for market impact costs. These costs capture the price slippage that occurs when attempting to execute large trades. If a cryptocurrency has low liquidity, significant market impact costs may arise, indicating that executing substantial orders could cause considerable price fluctuations that could disadvantage traders.


Liquidity Scores in the cryptocurrency realm provide a holistic representation of an asset's liquidity, amalgamating crucial factors such as trading volume, order book depth, bid-ask spreads, and market impact costs. By consulting these scores, traders and investors can gauge the ease and viability of trading various cryptocurrencies, enabling them to make well-informed decisions based on the available liquidity of each asset. Understanding and utilizing Liquidity Scores effectively is paramount in ensuring efficient and seamless trading within the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

Methodology Behind Cryptocurrencies Liquidity Score


在加密货币领域,流动性在决定数字资产的吸引力和稳定性方面起着至关重要的作用。为了评估和比较各种加密货币所表现出的流动性水平,出现了一种称为流动性评分的强大方法。 Ki 加密货币流动性评分背后的基本框架和方法,采用 5 个基本反对框架进行全面分析。

1. 透明度和信息可用性


2. 市场深度和订单分析

3. 交易量与流动性关系

4. 价格影响和滑点分析

5. 交易所集中度和市场准入

Ki 是加密货币流动性评分背后的方法,它与 5 个基本反对框架交织在一起,提出了一种严格的分析方法来衡量数字资产领域的流动性。通过考虑透明度、市场深度、交易量、价格影响、交易所集中度和市场可及性,该方法提供了对加密货币流动性质量的标准化和定量评估。了解流动性评分的这些基本支柱使投资者、交易者和市场参与者能够根据流动性特征的综合评估做出明智的决策。

Order Book








Exchange Liquidity Score  


Ki 追踪 1000 多种数字货币,涵盖 59 个交易所。 Ki 平台在影响加密货币交易的众多因素中优先考虑流动性分数。流动性评分提供了对市场深度和稳定性的全面了解。通过评估流动性,投资者可以确定购买或出售所需加密货币的难易程度,促进高效的交易环境,并最大限度地降低潜在风险。这一重要考虑因素可以防止价格操纵,促进公平和透明的交易。优先考虑流动性分数意味着投资者对安全和熟练交易体验的承诺。

Ki 计算流动性分数,它们是否准确地代表了市场状况,为了计算流动性分数,专业人士采用复杂的算法来考虑交易量、买卖价差、市场深度和订单簿深度等变量。这种严格的评估有效地捕捉了特定交易所的整体流动性格局。此外,这些分数通常是动态的,适应实时市场状况。虽然没有任何指标可以捕捉每一个细微的市场变动,但流动性评分可以可靠地反映交易所当前的流动性状况。






Calculating the Liquidity Score for cryptocurrency exchanges

Calculating the Liquidity Score for Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Several factors contribute to a cryptocurrency exchange liquidity score, and these metrics greatly impact the overall trading experience for users. Some of the key factors include:

1. Trading Volume: The higher the trading volume, the more liquidity there is on the exchange. Trading volume indicates the number of buy and sell orders being placed, which in turn determines the ease and speed of executing trades. Higher trading volume generally leads to tighter bid-ask spreads, reducing the cost of trading for users.

2. Order Book Depth: The depth of the order book refers to the number of buy and sell orders and the amount of cryptocurrency available at various price levels. A deep order book means there are more buyers and sellers at different price points, allowing traders to execute large trades without significantly impacting the cryptocurrency price.

3. Bid-Ask Spread: The bid-ask spread is the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept. A lower bid-ask spread indicates higher liquidity, as it implies that buyers and sellers are closely aligned in their pricing. Lower spreads enable traders to get better prices and reduce trading costs.

4. Market Depth: Market depth refers to the overall liquidity available in the order book, considering the total volume of buy and sell orders at different price levels. A market with greater depth allows for larger trades to be executed without causing substantial price changes or experiencing slippage.

5. Exchange Connectivity: The connectivity of an exchange with other trading platforms and liquidity providers also affects its liquidity score. An exchange that has partnerships and connections with other major exchanges or liquidity providers can access deeper pools of liquidity, attracting more traders and improving overall liquidity.

These metrics directly influence the overall trading experience for users. A highly liquid exchange allows traders to buy or sell large amounts of cryptocurrency without significantly impacting the market price. It ensures that orders are executed quickly and at desired prices, minimizing slippage. Additionally, tighter bid-ask spreads reduce the cost of trading, Making it more affordable for users. Overall, a higher liquidity score leads to a more efficient and reliable trading experience for cryptocurrency trade.

Cryptocurrency Screener

Cryptocurrency Screener
The K.i. integration of AI machine learning on the cryptocurrency screener on the K.i. platform can significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of investment decision-Making Here’s how:


1. Data Analysis: AI machine learning algorithms can process and analyze large volumes of data from diverse sources, including historical trading data, news articles, social media sentiments, and market trends. This comprehensive analysis helps identify patterns, correlations, and potential opportunities that may not be easily identifiable to human traders.


2. Real-time Monitoring: The AI algorithms continuously monitor the cryptocurrency markets, tracking price movements, trading volumes, and market conditions in real-time. This real-time monitoring allows investors to make quick decisions and capitalize on short-term trading opportunities.


3. Risk Assessment: AI algorithms can assess risk factors associated with a particular cryptocurrency, such as market volatility, historical performance, and regulatory developments. By providing risk assessments, investors can make informed decisions and manage their portfolios effectively.


4. Pattern Recognition: AI machine learning algorithms can recognize complex patterns and anomalies in the cryptocurrency markets. This can help identify emerging trends, market manipulations, or irregular price movements.


5. Automated Trading: With AI integration, investors can automate their trading strategies based on predefined rules and parameters. The algorithms can execute trades quickly and efficiently, reducing the need for manual intervention. This automated trading approach eliminates emotional biases and human errors, leading to more consistent and disciplined investment decisions.


6. Personalized Insights: AI algorithms on the K.i. platform can learn from an individual investor's trading behavior, preferences, and risk tolerance to provide personalized insights and recommendations. This customization enhances the decision-Making process by aligning it with the investor's specific goals and strategies.


By leveraging AI machine learning capabilities, cryptocurrency screener on the K.i. platform empowers investors with accurate and timely information, enabling them to make more informed investment decisions, minimize risks, and potentially increase their investment returns. The K.i. screener offers a holistic view of the market by tracking multiple cryptocurrencies simultaneously, providing a comprehensive assessment of the entire landscape.


One of the key advantages of cryptocurrency screeners on the K.I. platform is their ability to adapt and learn from new market data. Through continuous feedback loops and machine learning capabilities, these screeners can refine their algorithms, adapt to changing market conditions, and improve their accuracy and predictive capabilities over time.


Furthermore, this screener on the K.I. platform can be customized according to specific criteria and preferences of users. They provide users with the flexibility to define parameters based on their investment goals, risk appetite, and overall strategy. Whether one is interested in short-term trading opportunities, long-term investments, or both, cryptocurrency screeners can cater to individual preferences and requirements.


Additionally, the formal tone and approach of this screener instill confidence in users by providing an objective assessment of the market. The AI-driven algorithms eliminate emotional biases often associated with human decision-Making thereby enhancing the objectivity and reliability of the information provided.


Cryptocurrency screener on the K.I. platform, powered by AI machine learning, offers a comprehensive and sophisticated solution for navigating the complexities of the cryptocurrency market. with advanced algorithms and pattern recognition techniques, enable users to make well-informed decisions in real-time. By leveraging the power of AI and machine learning, these screeners continually enhance their accuracy and predictive capabilities, ensuring that users stay ahead in the highly dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading and investment.

Gainer & Losers

Gainer & Losers

Machine learning is commonly used in cryptocurrency trading to analyze large amounts of data and make real-time predictions on potential gains or losses. K.i. learning algorithms can be used to analyze historical price data, market trends, trading volumes, and other relevant indicators to identify patterns and make predictions on future price movements.


By training machine learning models on historical data and continuously updating them with new information, traders can leverage these algorithms to generate real-time insights into cryptocurrency markets. These models can identify patterns that human traders may overlook and provide more accurate predictions of potential gains or losses.


In K.i. machine learning algorithms can be integrated through custom indicators or scripts. These indicators can then be applied to cryptocurrency charts to generate real-time predictions or trading signals. Traders can use these predictions to inform their decision-Making process and potentially improve their trading strategies.

Cryptocurrency Heatmap







Ki 中的加密货币信号是表明加密货币市场中潜在交易机会的指标或通知。这些信号是由各种算法和技术分析工具生成的。



3. 随机振荡器:该算法将加密货币的收盘价与其在特定时期内的价格范围进行比较。当价格处于超买或超卖区域时,它会提供信号,表明潜在的趋势逆转。

4. 布林带:布林带由一条中心线(通常是移动平均线)和其上方和下方的两个标准差带组成。交易者利用这些区间来识别潜在的价格突破或趋势逆转。

5. 斐波那契回撤:该算法使用从斐波那契数列导出的一系列比率来识别潜在的支撑位和阻力位。这些水平有助于交易者确定进入和退出点。


Coin and Token Category Ecosystems

Coin and Token Category Ecosystems

Cryptocurrency has witnessed a meteoric rise in popularity over the past decade, revolutionizing the financial landscape and spawning an array of digital assets. With thousands of cryptocurrencies flooding the market, investors and enthusiasts alike are often perplexed by the overwhelming number of options available. However, understanding these digital currencies and their place within the cryptocurrency ecosystem can be simplified by employing the 5 Basic Objections framework.


1. Currency: One of the fundamental categories within the cryptocurrency ecosystem is "currency." This category comprises cryptocurrencies that aim to serve as a medium of exchange, replacing traditional fiat currencies. At the top of this category stands Bitcoin (BTC), the pioneer, and most widely recognized cryptocurrency. Its decentralized nature, immutability, and limited supply have granted it immense popularity and value. Other noteworthy currencies include Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC), each with its unique attributes and use cases.


2. Platforms: Cryptocurrencies go beyond just being digital currencies. Many blockchain-based platforms offer a broader range of functionalities. These platforms enable the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and the issuance of new tokens. Ethereum, with its smart contract capabilities, dominates this category. Its native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), is used for transactions within the Ethereum network. Other platforms, such as Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Cardano (ADA), and Solana (SOL), have also gained prominence as platforms for creating decentralized applications.


3. Utility Tokens: Within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, utility tokens serve as a means of accessing specific functionalities or services provided by a blockchain platform. These tokens are typically used to pay for transaction fees or access premium features within a decentralized application. Notable utility tokens include Binance Coin (BNB), which serves as the native currency of the Binance exchange, and Enjin Coin (ENJ), used for creating and managing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Enjin platform. These tokens play a pivotal role in facilitating interactions within their respective ecosystems.


4. Security Tokens: Security tokens differ from utility tokens as they represent ownership or fractional ownership of real-world assets, ranging from shares of companies to real estate properties. These tokens operate within regulatory frameworks and provide investors with a more secure and regulated way to invest in assets traditionally limited to accredited investors. Polymath (POLY) and tZERO (TZRO) are notable examples of platforms facilitating the issuance and trading of security tokens, combining blockchain technology with traditional finance.


5. Governance Tokens: With the growth of decentralized finance (DeFi), governance tokens have emerged as a critical category within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. These tokens grant holders the power to influence decisions related to the development and governance of a specific platform. For instance, MakerDAO's MKR token enables holders to participate in the decision-making process for the decentralized stablecoin, Dai. Similarly, Compound (COMP) and Uniswap (UNI) tokens allow users to shape the protocols and policies governing these decentralized lending and trading platforms.


Understanding the cryptocurrency ecosystem can be overwhelming, given the numerous categories and digital assets available. However, employing the 5 Basic Objections framework provides a structured approach to comprehending the diverse range of cryptocurrencies. By categorizing them into currency, platforms, utility tokens, security tokens, and governance tokens, investors can assess their respective roles and value within the broader cryptocurrency landscape. This framework enables individuals to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrencies with clarity and make informed decisions based on their specific investment goals.

Coin and Token Rankings

Coin and Token Rankings

The K.i. Coin and Token Rankings algorithms provide valuable insights into top performers, market oscillations, and trending digital assets. The four key aspects of these rankings are overview, performance, oscillation, and trending.


1. Overview:

The Overview Algorithms for Coin and Token Rankings provides a snapshot of the most prominent cryptocurrencies based on their market capitalization. By listing the top coins and tokens, it offers traders a quick and convenient way to identify the leading players in the market. This feature serves as a remarkable starting point for investors seeking exposure to well-established and influential cryptocurrencies.


2. Performance:

The Performance aspect is a crucial section of the Coin and Token Rankings as it allows traders to assess the historical performance of various digital assets. K.i. provides comprehensive charts and analysis tools that enable users to delve deep into the dynamics of each cryptocurrency. By examining factors such as price movements, trading volumes, and historical patterns, traders can better understand the performance of specific coins and tokens.


3. Oscillation:

The concept of market oscillation plays a significant role in cryptocurrency trading. Oscillation refers to the recurring pattern of price fluctuations within a given period. K.i. Coin and Token Rankings offer traders essential information on the volatility of cryptocurrencies, helping them identify assets with high potential for price swings. By understanding market oscillation, the platform can make more accurate predictions about future price movements.

4. Trending:

The Trending section of K.i. Platform, the Coin and Token Rankings provides real-time data on the most actively discussed and traded digital assets across various social media platforms, forums, and news outlets. This information helps traders gauge the market sentiment surrounding specific cryptocurrencies. By identifying trending coins and tokens, traders can capitalize on the potential profit opportunities arising from the collective market sentiment.


K.i deploys several factors while ranking cryptocurrencies and tokens in terms of their overall market overview. These factors include:


1. Market Capitalization: The total market value of a cryptocurrency or token plays a significant role in its ranking. Cryptocurrencies with higher market capitalization tend to have a higher ranking.


2. Trading Volume: The volume of trading activity and liquidity in a cryptocurrency or token is also considered. Higher trading volumes indicate greater market interest and participation, often leading to a higher ranking.


3. Price Performance: The price performance of cryptocurrencies and tokens over different time frames. Cryptocurrencies with higher and more stable price growth often receive a higher ranking.


4. Volatility and Risk: The volatility and risk associated with a cryptocurrency or token are considered. Assets with lower volatility and lower risk may receive a higher ranking as they are considered more stable.


5. Technical Analysis: K.i. provides technical analysis tools and features. Technical analysis, such as chart patterns, indicators, and signals, are used to assess the strength and potential of cryptocurrencies and tokens. Assets showing favorable technical signals may receive a higher ranking.


6. News and Fundamental Analysis: K.I. considers the impact of news and fundamental analysis on cryptocurrencies and tokens. Significant news events or positive fundamental developments can lead to a higher ranking.


7. Community Sentiment: The sentiment of the community and market participants towards a cryptocurrency or token is also considered. Positive sentiment often contributes to a higher ranking.

Investment Decision-Making Accuracy


Ki 平台在评估加密货币时用于提高投资决策准确性的底层算法包括:

1. 情绪分析:该算法分析来自社交媒体、博客、新闻文章和论坛等各种来源的大量数据,以衡量围绕特定加密货币的整体情绪和看法。通过了解公众舆论,平台可以评估积极或消极情绪的潜在市场影响。

2. 机器学习:Ki 平台利用机器学习算法来分析历史加密货币价格数据、识别模式并对未来价格走势做出预测。它可以通过不断学习新数据和市场趋势来调整和改进其模型。

3. 时间序列分析:时间序列分析算法用于对一段时间内的价格和交易量数据进行建模和分析。这些模型可以识别数据中的趋势、季节性模式和其他重要特征,从而使平台能够做出更明智的投资决策。


5. 投资组合优化:平台根据用户偏好、风险承受能力和市场状况,采用优化算法构建和重新平衡投资组合。这些算法旨在通过在不同的加密货币之间分配投资来最大化回报或最小化风险。



KI 跟踪加密货币的方法涉及对各种因素的仔细分析,重点是网络流量数据。 Ki 利用网络流量因子作为确定不同加密货币的性能和潜力的重要工具。

为了评估网络流量系数,Ki 依靠信誉良好的网络流量解决方案使用数字智能提供的数据组合。

Ki 利用机器学习 SEO 工具进行链接构建、关键词研究、竞争对手分析、排名跟踪和网站审核,Ki 网站分析被认为是强大的 SEO 工具,其功能还可用于收集有关网络流量和性能的有价值的数据。

通过利用 Ki 站点分析提供的数据,Ki 获得与网络流量相关的各种关键指标的全面概述。这些指标包括页面浏览量、独立访问者数量、跳出率、网站停留时间、相对排名以及主要搜索引擎上的关键字搜索。




相对排名是衡量网站与其竞争对手相比在网络流量和性能方面的地位的指标。通过将加密货币与市场上其他加密货币的表现进行比较,Ki 可以衡量其相对强度和潜力。

此外,主要搜索引擎上的关键字搜索可以深入了解加密货币在用户中的受欢迎程度。通过分析关键词搜索的数量和相关性,Ki 可以衡量对特定加密货币的兴趣和需求水平。

通过考虑这些不同的数据点并使用从 Ki 站点分析中获得的见解,Ki 可以得出最终的输出分数,称为网络流量因子。该分数是对加密货币网络流量和性能的综合评估,使 Ki 能够对其市场潜力做出明智的决策和预测。

KI 跟踪加密货币网络流量的方法涉及分析可靠来源(例如 Ki 站点分析)提供的多个数据点。这些数据点,包括页面浏览量、独立访问者数量、跳出率、网站停留时间、相对排名和关键词搜索,帮助 Ki 评估各种加密货币的潜力和性能。通过利用这种方法,Ki 可以为加密货币市场的投资者和交易者提供有价值的见解。

Webb Traffic Methodology
Weighted Data Points



1. 浏览量(20%):用户浏览交易所网站上特定页面的次数。该指标反映了交易所内容的受欢迎程度和参与度。

2. 独立访客数量(15%):访问交易所网站的独立个人数量。该指标表明交易所的覆盖范围和潜在用户群。

3. 跳出率(10%):仅浏览单个页面后离开交易所网站的访问者的百分比。较低的跳出率表明更好的用户参与度和保留率。

4. 网站停留时间(5%):访问者在交易所网站上花费的平均持续时间。网站停留时间越长意味着用户的兴趣和参与度越高。

5. 相对排名(25%):该因素考虑交易所与其竞争对手相比的地位。它考虑受欢迎程度、声誉和流量排名等因素来评估每个交易所的相对表现。

6. 关键词搜索(25%):我们跟踪与加密货币交易相关的特定关键词的交易所搜索引擎排名。该数据点反映了每个交易所的可见性和搜索引擎优化的成功程度。

在考虑所有这些数据点后,我们对数据进行统计,并根据每个类别中交易所的相对表现分配分数。我们的评分系统采用从 0 到 1,000 的相对分值缩放系统。表现最好的交易所总是获得 1,000 分,而其余交易所则根据与领先交易所的比较进行评分。




Confidence Indicator







信心指标分为三个等级:高、中、低。高置信度指标 (>75%) 表示对报告数量的高度信任,表明报告数据与我们的估计数量密切相关。中等信心指数 (50% - 75%) 表明信任水平合理,但报告数量与估计数量之间存在一些偏差。低置信度指标 (<50%) 表明由于报告量和估计量之间存在显着差异,信任度较低。




Machine Learning Models

Machine Learning Models

The volatile nature of the Cryptocurrency markets, coupled with the potential for substantial financial gains, has necessitated the development of advanced trading tools. Machine learning models have emerged as powerful tools in predicting and understanding these markets, offering investors valuable insights and potential advantages. Machine Learning Models for cryptocurrency markets on the K.I. Platform, highlighting the various applications and benefits.

1: Uncertainty and Volatility
One of the primary challenges faced by investors in cryptocurrency markets is the high level of uncertainty and volatility. Machine learning models implemented on the K.I. Platform expertly addresses this issue through our ability to process vast amounts of data and identify patterns that can guide investment decisions. These models utilize historical market data, social media sentiment analysis, news cycles, and other relevant information to forecast price movements and mitigate the risks associated with volatility.

2: Complex Market Dynamics
Cryptocurrency markets operate in a complex ecosystem, with various factors influencing price movements. Diverse factors, such as regulatory changes, global economic trends, and technological advancements, impact these markets. The K.I. Platform's machine learning models efficiently generate accurate predictions by considering multiple variables and identifying correlations between them. By understanding the complex dynamics of cryptocurrency markets, investors gain a competitive edge and make informed decisions.

3: Speed and Efficiency
The fast-paced nature of cryptocurrency markets necessitates timely decision-Making Machine learning models on the K.I. Platform excels in providing real-time insights, ensuring investors stay ahead in a highly competitive environment. These models continuously analyse vast amounts of data, adapting to changing market conditions swiftly. By automating the analysis process, investors can save time and make trades based on accurate, up-to-date information.

4: Overfitting and Bias
Overfitting and bias are common pitfalls when developing predictive models. However, the machine learning models deployed on the K.I. Platforms employ advanced algorithms designed to mitigate these issues. Through validation and cross-validation techniques, these models minimize overfitting, ensuring predictions are based on statistically robust parameters. Proactive measures are taken to counteract any biases that may arise during model training, resulting in more reliable and accurate output.

5: User-Friendly Interface
While machine learning models may be complex behind the scenes, the K.I. Platform offers a user-friendly interface for investors to interact with these tools effortlessly. The platform presents clear visuals, comprehensive reports, and easy-to-understand outputs that aid investors, irrespective of their technical expertise. This accessibility democratizes the usage of advanced machine-learning models for cryptocurrency markets, empowering a wider range of investors to leverage their potential benefits.

Machine learning models on the K.I. The platform offers a robust solution for investors seeking to navigate the cryptocurrency markets with greater precision and confidence. By addressing objections related to uncertainty, complex dynamics, speed, overfitting, and bias, these models provide a valuable resource for informed decision-Making by combining cutting-edge technology with an intuitive interface, the K.I. The platform enables investors to unlock the power of machine learning and gain a competitive advantage in cryptocurrency trading.

Swarm theory









Neural Networking

神经网络是人工智能 (AI) 的一个方面,已成为加密货币和数字交易领域的强大工具。通过利用人工智能的计算能力,交易平台能够实时利用加密货币市场的动态特性。在此背景下,神经网络在KI平台上的应用被证明是一笔无价的财富。


KI 平台专为神经网络量身定制。 在加密货币交易中,可以同时实时处理来自各种市场指标、新闻源、社交媒体和无数其他相关来源的大量数据流。通过捕获这个整体数据集,神经网络可以提取有价值的见解、解析市场趋势并识别潜在的交易机会。

此外,KI 平台内的神经网络算法具有适应不断发展的加密货币市场并从中学习的能力。通过不断更新知识和调整策略,这些网络可以优化决策流程,最终改善交易者的结果。


KI 平台上利用神经网络进行实时加密货币交易彻底改变了数字交易领域。通过利用人工智能的力量,这些网络增强了决策过程,使交易者能够以精确和战略优势驾驭加密货币市场的复杂地形。

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